Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Society presents: THE FRAUGHT FESTIVAL!

A Society is happy to present the first ever Fraught Festival. The festival will begin on Friday November 23 at noon in front of the Elijah Smith Building where a pinata will be broken, a "rendezvous" held and the kick-off to a city wide treasure hunt will be held. Then on Saturday, a panel on fair trade, local economies, the environment and, obviously, alternatives to buying, trading, sharing, and dwelling, will be happening at 1pm in the conference room in the Whitehorse Public Library. The community will be welcome to share their own experiences and thoughts during the panel session and talk with local business owners about the history and motivation of their doings. Then on Sunday we will be hosting a series of workshops at the library on things like book making, jewlery making, underware making and minor bicycle repair.The Festival symbolically begins on the Buy-Nothing-Day week end but continues throughout the month of December with "craft days" also being held at the library for peoples to work on projects, presents and plain old togetherness. Hope to see you all there!!!

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