Monday, October 15, 2007

The incomprehensable spectrum of D.I.Ying...

Doing It Yourself applies to a great and many varity of thing, and we're gonna explore these many things over time, and stoke the fire of D.I.Ying in the Yukon, and make it known that DIYing is a varitable force to be reckon with. Not merely reserved for home decorating or fixing your car, DIYing has basically been the foundation of many basic social revelations in one way or another, take Gandhi for example reducing his needs to only what he could produce, or Martin Luther King getting out on street corners revolutionizing american racial policies, these is some pretty radical DIYers. Get with the times and do it yourself, it's the wave of the FUTURE!!!
By the way, these are some pretty hilarious dolls my lady and I made, dolls aren't as lame as you probably think they are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi joseph,

chris from Montreuil, i have the pleasure to discover the puppets of your friend, a real Do It Yourself production !!!

help me !
i want to see more, where is the animated sequence or film you've done ?

yahooooo !

je te salue bien